Roof Repair & Maintenance

The best way to prolong the life of your roof is to establish a plan for regular preventive maintenance, rather than waiting until you have a problem. A roof evaluation can save you time, stress and money later on. Delta services all types of roofs for commercial, industrial, institutional, government, and multi-unit office buildings. We can identify current and potential problems, and work with you to schedule routine servicing and any needed repairs.

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Managing Your Roof Asset 

Drainage issues (e.g., drains clogged with leaves) and damage from outside sources (e.g., fallen tree branches or other contractors) are the principal sources of roof leaks. With quarterly inspections under a preventive maintenance plan, Delta’s technicians can find, forecast, and address small problems before they worsen and threaten the viability of your roof or cause interior water damage and mold. Early detection avoids major and costly repairs later on.

If your roof is new, check your warranty terms. Most warranties require you to document a regular maintenance program. In the event of a leak, your warranty might not cover resulting water damage if you haven’t adhered to the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations.

A Trusted Roofing Leader

Established in 1991, Delta Contracting Services, Inc. provides New Jersey and surrounding states with professional commercial and industrial roofing installation and repair. A partnership with Delta means a focus on safety, craftsmanship and integrity.